Your grade (100 points) consists of:

Process Description Group Task

  • Part 1: Process description presentation (30 points),
  • Part 2: Language tasks (30 points) and

In-class Writing Assignment (20 points writing / 20 points applied knowledge)

For more details regarding your assignments please consult the Instructor's Policies.

Marking System

Excellent       >=88%
Good       >=75% und <88%
Satisfactory       >=63% und <75%
Sufficient       >=50% und <63%
Insufficient (fail)       <50%

Details to each assignment and to the grading rubrics can be found in the Instructors' Policies Book.

Repeat Exams

If you fail your English course, there will be a repeat exam, which will require knowledge of everything that was done both in class and online during the semester. This exam will take place at the beginning of the following semester on a date to be announced.