Welcome to...

   ...Biological Signals and Medical Sensors 2

This course -  has been designed to give you a teamwork job in order to learn about project management, problem-solving and how to manage a scientific project within a certain time span.

The course addresses the area of biosignal acquisition and management. This covers applications starting at the human body, via sensors and preamplifiers, A/D converters, into medical systems. We will briefly discuss the informatics side so that we understand the requirements for analogue circuitry to ensure useful further digital processing. Microprocessors are natural elements of medical devices, so they will likely play a role.

You will find in this moodle course all the information you need to have an overview about administrative issues for the course, your issues and due-dates as well as a time plan - PLEASE always look at the normal course plan for potential rescheduling, as these dates might not be actualized in the moodle course on time!

Please go through the given sections and see them as your schedule. Each group has been assigned to a supervisor from UAS Technikum Wien. Your team supervisor is there to support your task, give you hints for solving the problem, but NOT to take care of your team management or duties. It is also the supervisor of the group, who grades the team for each of the two semesters separately.

The collection of the Project proceedings from the previous years can be found here.