Dear Moodle-Users,
For the start of the new semester, our Moodle was upgraded to the latest version 3.5, and various new features were installed:
- Direct audio/video recording in the editor
- New question type 'Formulas' for mathematical questions
- New activity 'H5P' for interactive content
- New configuration for the Safe Exam Browser
- Minor improvements in the interface
The new features in detail:
Direct audio/video recording in the editor
You can now add short videos (up to 2 minutes) or audio recordings directly via an available camera or microphone into any text field in Moodle. Just click on the new icons for audio or video recordings in the editor.
You can now also insert image files by drag & drop instead of using the 'add image' dialogue.
New question type 'Formulas' and text filter JSXGraph
The new question type Formulas makes it easier to add mathematical questions to Moodle quizzes. Various mathematical formulas are supported, and creating variables is easier compared to the old question type Calculated.
Additional documentation and an overview of the possibilities of 'Formulas' can be found in this short example test.
Some of these example questions use the new text filter JSXGraph. This enables creating mathematical graphs. Because these are dynamically generated, you can link them to variables in the question, and thus add graphs for variable-based questions.
Instructions on how to create your own graphs can be found in the JSXGraph Wiki.
New activity: H5P Interactive Content
Using the new activity H5P you can insert various interactive or multimedia content in H5P format into your Moodle course.
Some examples for possible content:
Additional information about H5P can be found at
New configuration for Safe Exam Browser
Starting with WS2018 all our computers will use a new configuration for Safe Exam Browser, that closes some known security issues. Furthermore, the possibility of using Safe Exam Browser under any account but the local user safeexam has been removed by default.
Additional information and the current browser key for exams can be found in the Moodle-Handbuch.
Improved Moodle interface for mobile devices
The design received some minor improvements and should now be better suited to mobile devices.
Should you notice any bugs or problems, miss any options or have suggestions for further improvement, please contact Moodle-Support.
Have a good start into the new semester!